Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This is a funny video by comedian Judson Laipply called "The Evolution of Dance". If you think of dance as an art form then this guy will take us though its history with laughs along the way.

Ionic & Corinthian Columns - Midterm Bonus.

Here are my pics of Ionic and Corinthian Columns. Both of these were found in Carrollton.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Art on youtube 2

This is a really cool example of street art.

Art on youtube 1

This is an example of sand paiting. Its makeing pictures using sand a glass top with a light under it. Neat stuff.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Diorama Drama

The diorama that evoked an emotion in me had to do with Animal testing and it just happened to be made by one of my Team mates, Amanda.
This brought out both Anger and Sadness, as I was angry that people can treat animals this way and I also felt sad for the Monkey.

This diorama taught me something I did not know/realise. That if you don't spay / neuter your pets then it can casue more strays to end up in the pound and be put to sleep :(

I thought this diorama was very creative. I liked the 3D aspects of this one.

I have something to say about this dirorama. I thought her diorama was very cute and a good way to promote adoption.

The message in this diorama could be considered propaganda. At least to me it reminded me more of an add for a movie theater than what I think the message was suppose to convey.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My blogroll

Besides blogger I enjoy these blog sites.
A place for general blogs on all matter of subjects.

I also enjoy reading my friends blogs on myspace.

A good place to learn about going green

A bolg about Technology

And since I am a nerd, a blog about Science

Art and human behavior

The image to the left is an artist conception of neurons firing in the brain. I thought this was fitting for human behavior since when you break behavior down into its basic parts it all originates from the brain. Also I've always thought that the arrangements of neurons have an artistic beauty in themselves as they look like a forest of trees.

Art and the human condition

This is a picture of the 15ft tall superman statue in Metropolis IL. I thought it did a good job or representing the conditions we would like to find in all of us.

Art and the human struggle

This picture to the left is from an artist named Greg Collin, and is titled "The Struggle Within". If I could afford it I would love to have the original which is an oil on canvas. I thought this was a perfect example of the human struggle. How each and every day we all have the struggle with ourselves and decide if we are going to make the right choices or not.

Art and human nature

I think part of human nature is to want to explore the things around us. When I see the picture to the right I immediately wonder "Whats down that road?", "Whats on the other side of those trees?". I think this artist did a good job at catching this curiosity of human nature, whether that was the intention or not.