Sunday, April 5, 2009

My right brain, my left brain.

I was curious as to which side of my brain was the dominate side so I did a little research and found a test to show you which side of your brain you are using (Source below).  
Which way do you see the figure below spinning? If clockwise then you are using your right brain, if counter clockwise you are using your left.

I would not have believed this if it wasn't for the fact that when I first pulled this up I seen the figure turning counter clockwise (I had just finished my algebra homework, Left brain function), but after a few seconds, the figure seemed to switch direction and was spinning clockwise. It turns out that I use the right side of my brain more as this is the default direction for me. With a little practice you can consciously control which side of your brain you are using and the direction the figure spins.

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